It's interesting, when you goto the city of Plzen.. a lot of empty shops. When I look inside some I can see that the guts have been ripped out, yet the tiles on the walls are new and the concept of the business and writing on the outside of the building is almost fresh. All these shells gutted in order to meet the terms of the banks or the execution companies i guess, yet can't confirm? As i understand the land lords of small business's were under no obligations to change rents for small business's. One of the only small business's that survived that I'm familiar with as far as the hospitality industry is a small burger place, yet that is run as a sole trader with no employees and relatively low rent, And also a DIY built in infra-structure. I expect no loans with the bank. The bigger business's like, coffee chains in the centre have remained open. A few of the big brands have gone, or fallen into the ownership of the bigger multi-nationals. When you look at it, no way were those small business's/companies going to be protected through Corona by the Czech state. The Czech state primarily looks after its self, as a major priority. Someone once said to me that the Czech president has once described small business as a parasite on the system?
Difference between State enterprise and small business?
When I look at the hospital infra structure here, what do i see. I needed to get an old hospital bill, in order to get the bill, I have to goto a woman in a room, she has her own room about 20 square meters. Then i have to pay a bill in another room about 40 square meters in order to get the old bill. Both areas have only one person working in them. Its 100 percent obvious that heating these rooms for the cold half of the year is expensive and not ecological, other uses could be brought to this infra structure, yet i somehow expect that the two floors above it are empty. This whole building might easily be changed and the people that are in these rooms might work from home, if the state here had an Estonian style infra-structure.
In Estonia for example, I can send a document to an office/court from my email, and from that computer I can then encrypt any file so it can be sent to a government office, the government office will then recognise that document. In Czech what the state did was build a similar structure between all offices and the state that is something similar to email, so people can "if they would like too." get one of these data boxes. The Czech state created more systems of communication that are more easily hacked, in Estonia less and much less intrusive. For large business's and law firms the system makes more sense. Yet for the small business person, the Czechnology machine makes little sense. Another password, another way the state can monitor the small business, another potential hack out of the individuals control. One system empowers the state and big business, the Estonian one empowers the individual.
In the corona times, we saw the big business's get bailed out. Yet the only small business that could survive, are mostly those that were one person or couple operators. These other systems like hospitals, get to function in un-ecological high cost ways, with little scrutiny.
What happens to foreigners. How the Czech state keeps them out?
In Czech with foreigners. The government made legislation so that business visa costs went up 100 percent in the last years. To top it off they put up the cost of health care by 500 percent. The way they put up the cost of health care for foreigners was that they created a monopoly out of the state health insurance company PVZP, so now the foreigner can only use that company for health insurance by law. The idea that profits from selling health insurance to marginalised foreigners goes to supporting the state health insurance company, is a little strange to start with, yet i guess with CORONA the government went for the monopoly opportunity. Initially payments were around 40,000 crowns for a year, the previous year the foreigner paid 7-8000 a year. The state health insurance company covers foreigner only for the term of the contract. So if the small business person (sole trader) gets sick in her/his stay, unless they have paid for health insurance for 5 years they are not technically covered for the illness.. in the next term of the contract. Those foreigners who get a work permit to work for a company, are covered by the public health care system, so long as they remain employed. To top it off in countries that are developing, rather than developed, it's near impossible to get an appointment to put in a business visa. Also, i was told by my immigration lawyer that one of her clients a Syrian student, was granted a scholarship to Charles university, the ministry explained that his documents were not correct, when they were. In the waiting period the student was killed. Unfortunately when people make these mistakes at the ministry of interior, rather than being told they are no-longer needed, I expect they are promoted. The other thing that the Czech state has done, is that they have increased the requirement of language from basic too comprehensive. With such a lack of diversity within the Czech population already. Building a migrant labour force out of people that have no interest to stay here other than for the money they are paid, creates problems for the Czech community, so I'm told. Yet i think this is also a myth that the Czech media is selling. Much of this media comes out through the former prime minister. know to have many conflicts of interest.
Part of the definition of fascism.
Similarly, fascism as an ideology is also hard to define. Originally, it referred to a totalitarian political movement linked with corporatism which existed in Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini.
Another Definition.
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
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